How The Mind Becomes Quiet

Any novice meditator will tell you that trying to stop your mind will only rile it up further.

Developing a naturally quiet mind is one of the most challenging human endeavors.

It cannot be faked, corners cannot be cut.

The journey cannot even begin until one is utterly sincere.

Now, assuming one is sincere (many are not), how does the mind become quiet?

The mind becomes quiet when a person has nothing to think about.

But that is too simple for people to grasp.

The average “seeker” would rather let his mind wander in endless complexities than to confront a simple truth such as this.

Consider the content of your thoughts.

What would happen if you saw it all as meaningless.

The same way you see a dog barking as meaningless.

What would happen if the mind was no longer interesting to you.

Nothing need be learned to arrive at a quiet mind.

It is not a product of knowledge.

Knowledge is actually part of the problem, but we can save that rabbit hole for another day.

A quiet mind is a state where everything is settled.

There are no questions, no longings, no conflicts within the person.

It should be obvious to you by now: a naturally quiet mind is not developed by trying not to think.

It is developed by ruthlessly eliminating everything that occupies your thoughts.

Again, this is not as difficult as one might assume.

As I said above, a quiet mind is a state where everything is settled.

So thoughts, by extension, pertain to things that aren’t settled.

This is why thoughts wander and circle over the same ground again and again.

If one discovered the truth, there would be no need for this.

You don’t sit around thinking endlessly about things you understand completely.

Simply put, truth is the path to a quiet mind.

In all matters, there is a truth.

Wherever thought does not cease, there is a truth that has not been seen.

That is all.


The Experience of Enlightenment

