True Spirituality

True spiritual teachings are meant to guide you towards a realization. That is their entire purpose. They are not meant to fill your head with knowledge. They are not meant to instill patterns of behavior. They are not meant to be believed. They are meant to transform your experience of life at the deepest level. And the “deepest level” here is not something vague, it’s very specific.

Spirituality aims to change the way you see yourself. Actually, its aim is to stop you from seeing yourself at all. It’s a funny idea when you think about it—how can someone see himself? It can’t be done directly, so a mirror is needed. And that’s exactly what the mind is. The mind is a mirror, but we have mistaken the mirror for the reflection. We’ve then attached so many stickers to the mirror that it no longer reflects reality.

True spiritual teachings clear the debris away from your mind. By perfecting the mirror, you can begin to see the reflection. By clearing your mind, you get a glimpse who you really are. 


A Letter to a Friend


The Joy Of Being