The Early Morning Hours

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The world moves differently in the early hours of the morning.

There is a certain stillness to it.

There is a sense of aloneness that overtakes a person, knowing that the world sleeps.

Not loneliness.


In this time one often finds his greatest clarity. For he is not bombarded by the conditioning of his fellows.

There are no pressing matters to attend to.

One does not even feel compelled to pass the time. Time disappears.

Because this is the only time he has that is truly free.

In this state of heightened clarity, not needing to pass the time, and with nothing that need be accomplished, one often turns inward.

He examines his life, his aims, his trajectory.

He takes stock of things, so to speak.

And these moments have a far greater impact than any of his attempts  to change.

For these moments are genuine, and attempting to change is not.

There is a certain magic that consumes a person when he becomes still. He is at the height of his wisdom.

He sees things with such profound clarity that the truth is readily apparent.

So in these precious morning hours, recognize that you are at your most sincere. Your mind has not yet built up the momentum it amasses after a full day.

Enjoy the freedom that you have long sought. For you receive little of it in a given day.

Take solace in what precious little time you have before your problems awake as well.

But a word of caution: if you seek to gain anything from these moments, you will have wasted them.

And they are far too valuable to waste.


The Blindfold of Conditioning


The Way to Truth