The Way to Truth

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What is truth? It seems a simple question, with an equally simple answer. Truth is what is. Truth is the way things are. Truth is the way things work. To put it most simply, all that is is truth. All that is not is false.

One might ask, if all that is is truth, how could there be anything false? Falsehoods are the result of thought. Thought is the only tool in existence capable of imagining things that do not exist. The only reason you do not know what truth is is that you are caught up in your own thinking. If you were not so absorbed, it would be clear to you that everything you see is truth.

The problem is not that you do not know the truth, but that you “know” things that are false. If you already believe that which is false, how could you possibly discover what is true? A person who has a genuine interest in learning what is true begins by discarding everything they think they know.

Every belief must go. Every opinion must vanish. Things like good and bad lose their importance, and instead become replaced by true and false. Every “should” goes out the window.

If you don’t know where to start, ask yourself: what do I know for sure?


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