The End of Boredom

Imagine what it would be like if you never got bored. You could sit in one spot, all day, and still feel fulfilled. Still feel satisfied. As a result, all your time would be spent intentionally. You would stop doing things simply to fill the void, and start doing only the things you genuinely want to do.

This isn’t as unattainable as you will initially think. In fact, it is a very real possibility for you. But there are certain understandings you need to reach. There are certain realizations you must have within yourself. Once these realizations are had, living without boredom becomes second nature. It is as effortless as it is inevitable.

The first of these realizations is simply this: boredom does not come from lack of stimulation.

If you look at your own life you will see the truth of this. There were many times in the past where you were without stimulation yet were completely at ease. Peaceful. Relaxed.

It can be this way every time.

The second realization you must come to is this: boredom is itself the desire for stimulation.

Boredom comes when you can no longer stand the thought of being alone with yourself. The desire to be swept away by some occupation manifests in the mind as the feeling of boredom. The mind then reacts to the discomfort this feeling brings by running away from the present moment.

It is only when you can watch this play out and understand it as it is happening that you have any chance of overcoming boredom.

You cannot fight an enemy you cannot see.

That is enough for now. 


Enjoying Without Seeking


Why You’re Still Seeking Enlightenment